Learning Guide to Wooden Architecture
Implementation of architecture, space and design knowledge with an emphasis on architectural cultural heritage for vocational woodworking schools
For a long time, architectural and design professions have been noticing that the general level of awareness about high-quality architecture and design, along with their relationship to architectural cultural heritage, are at a very low level.
Under the ERASMUS+ project, Center arhitekture Slovenije, along with partners (Šumarska i drvodjeljska škola Karlovac, Croatia, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultet, Croatia, Šolski center Škofja Loka, Srednja šola za lesarstvo, Slovenia, and Kunst- und Architektur Werkstatt für Kinder und Jugendliche, Innsbruck, Austria), tried to overcome the barriers to the transfer of knowledge about architecture and design, by including the students from secondary vocation woodworking schools in these efforts.
Within the project best practice examples in architecture and interior design in Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia are represented. The itineraries are composed so that the students learn about traditional architecture and interiors, the 1950s and 1960s architecture, and particularly contemporary architecture. The structures reveal to the students the world of architecture and design and empower them to be able to recognise and evaluate architectural heritage and distinguish between good and low-quality cases.
Using this trilingual handbook Paths of Wood in Architecture, teachers are invited to choose among the itineraries offered and take their students to see the selected best practice examples in Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia.
The hanbook was published in 2020 by Center arhitekture Slovenije. We sincerely thank all of you who helped us organise the field trips and visits to the buildings included in this handbook. We also thank everyone involved in the preparation of this handbook.
Participating Institutions
»The guide does not aim to teach how wooden construction is designed but rather what can be built from wood, how this natural and ubiquitous material contributes to a high-quality living environment, construction culture as well as a general harmony and image of the environment.«
From review of
Assist. Prof. Matej Blenkuš, Ph.D. (B. Arch.)